Softball FAQs
Q: What age groups are offered?
A:We currently offer 4 different age groups for girls’ softball: 6U, 8U, 10U, and 12U. The age group for each player is determined by their age on January 1st of that year. More advanced players can play up in age groups (such as a 8 year old playing in 10U), but no player will be allowed to play down in age groups.
Q: What are the general rule structures for each age group?
A: Our programs progress as follows:
- 6U is a modified Coach Pitch / Tee-Ball– No Strikeouts
- 8U is full coach pitch– 5 pitches or 3 strikes–whichever comes first unless the ball is put in play. (Coach Pitches)
- 10U is when the girls start to pitch–some modifications
- 12U–Full Softball
Q: When and where are the games played?
A: Generally, games are played on Saturdays. Due to rainouts or other factors, a team may play a weeknight game. HSA Softball plays in a league with TriCities Softball (Hurst/Euless/Bedford) and Colleyville Softball Association. Games are played at either Chisholm Park in Hurst or Colleyville City Park.
Q: When and where are practices held?
A: Practices will be held at Nance Field in Haslet. The older age groups practice twice per week. The practice times are determined by the coaches and Commissioner.
Q: What are the general key dates for the season?
A: Spring:
- Registration: December – beginning of February
- Practices start mid-late February
- Games: Usually first week of April through May
- Post-Season All Star Tournaments (optional): June
- Registration: June – beginning of August
- Practices start in August
- Games: Usually weekend after Labor Day through October
- Post-Season All Star Tournaments (optional): November
Q: What is provided by HSA Softball?
A: The league will provide each girl with a jersey, socks and belt each season. The league will also provide some team practice gear to the coach.
Parents are responsible for pants, glove, bat, cleats (no metal cleats) and a facemask for players 10U and younger.
Q: How are teams selected?
A: Teams are formed by the Commissioner and coaches, starting with returning players wishing to remain with the same coach and team, then adding new players to complete teams.
- Anyone wishing their daughter not to play for one particular coach, for any reason, should email the softball commissioner with that wish. These requests for one coach will be honored, barring extraordinary circumstances.
- Any friend, coaching request, or other requests in regard to team placement should also be made to the softball commissioner via Email. Although we cannot guarantee each of these requests, we do our best to honor as many as possible.
- HSA no longer does a “Coaches Look” at the beginning of the season.
Q: How will I be notified of team selection and practice times?
A: Within a week or two after registration ends, your coach will reach out to you.
Feel free to reach out to the Youth Softball Commissioner with any other questions via email at